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063: The Fuel Guide to Lift Heavy and Run Far

April 22, 2024

063: The Fuel Guide to Lift Heavy and Run Far

Mind Map


In this episode, the podcast explores the concept of the perfect diet for hybrid athletes, emphasizing that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The host discusses the importance of simplicity in diet and training, using the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) as a guiding philosophy. The episode delves into the personal approach to diet, highlighting the significance of learning from experience and maintaining a balance between lifting heavy and running far. The host shares insights from morning runs, viewing diet and training as personal responsibilities and obligations. The discussion extends to the challenges of motivation and maintaining personal standards amidst life stressors. The episode also addresses the overwhelming amount of information on diet trends and the importance of building healthy relationships with food. The podcast provides a detailed look at fueling strategies for performance, emphasizing the need to establish goals and tailor nutrition to specific training needs. It covers the significance of caloric intake, protein, carbohydrates, and recovery in supporting hybrid athlete training. The host shares a comprehensive overview of their daily diet routine, including pre-run nutrition and meals throughout the day. The episode concludes with a focus on the importance of research and learning, encouraging listeners to maintain a big picture perspective in their dietary choices. The host emphasizes the need to avoid getting lost in the complexities of diet and nutrition, advocating for a balanced and sustainable approach to achieving fitness goals.


  • And believe it or not, it is not a very exact and pinpointed diet because the reality is there is no perfect diet.

  • I've used this acronym many times before that I learned in the military, and it's KISS, keep it simple, stupid.

  • to move into talking about the perfect diet for lifting heavy and running far, a hybrid athlete diet, because I believe, and trust me, I've been here before, it's really easy to overcomplicate nutrition, diet, and training.

  • Here's the first thing I want to talk about in regards to the perfect diet for lifting heavy and running far.

  • Certain headlines that appear and pop up and are shared or distributed can scare you, scare you from eating certain foods or ingredients or going out to dinner or being social and eating without tracking and all of these things.

  • For you to say, well, for me to have a healthy relationship with food, that means I go in and out three days a week, and I have to consume a liter of cola every morning before I go into work.

  • I'm still strength training alongside of running, truly in a hybrid athlete training model and approach, the blend of two lifestyles of sport, running and lifting.

  • I'll just give you a quick overview of what a day in my diet looks like.

  • And my calories, I would estimate probably 3,500, maybe 4,000 calories.

  • all things diet, is to keep a big picture perspective as opposed to these micro level incremental changes.


  • Hybrid Athlete

    An individual who combines endurance and strength training in their fitness regimen.

  • Simplicity

    The principle of keeping things straightforward and uncomplicated, especially in diet and training.

  • KISS Principle

    An acronym for 'Keep It Simple, Stupid,' emphasizing simplicity in problem-solving.

  • Fueling Strategy

    A plan for consuming nutrients to optimize performance and recovery in athletic activities.

  • Caloric Intake

    The total number of calories consumed, crucial for maintaining energy balance and supporting training.

  • Muscle Protein Synthesis

    The process of building muscle proteins, essential for muscle growth and repair.

  • Leucine

    An essential amino acid known as the anabolic trigger for muscle protein synthesis.

  • Cluster Dextrin

    A fast-digesting carbohydrate used in sports nutrition for quick energy.

  • Big Picture Perspective

    Focusing on overall goals and outcomes rather than getting lost in details.


  • 00:00 Introduction

  • 00:08 The Concept of the Perfect Diet

  • 00:43 Personal Approach to Diet

  • 01:58 Morning Run Thoughts

  • 03:42 Motivation and Standards

  • 04:40 Training and Life Balance

  • 05:44 The Perfect Diet for Hybrid Athletes

  • 11:25 Diet Trends and Information Overload

  • 14:58 Personal Experience with Diet and Health

  • 22:12 Building Healthy Relationships with Food

  • 26:03 Fueling for Performance

  • 33:46 Training Specific Nutrition

  • 40:30 Recovery and Supplementary Training

  • 49:51 Diet Prioritization and Daily Routine

  • 54:28 Detailed Daily Diet

  • 1:10:25 Final Thoughts and Big Picture Perspective


  • S

    In today's episode of the podcast, we are talking about the perfect diet to lift heavy and run far.

  • S

    And believe it or not, it is not a very exact and pinpointed diet because the reality is there is no perfect diet.

  • S

    but there are a few concepts that we know work that you can apply to your unique and specific dietary needs to achieve the outcomes that you want and desire.


In this week’s episode, I am breaking down the nutrition you need to lift heavy and run far. We are constantly inundated with information on social media and the internet about new studies and diets, and it’s easy to be pulled into a particular way of thinking without being diligent in doing the research ourselves. The methods are many, but the concepts are few. The perfect diet is the one you can adhere to. I will be taking you on a deep dive into what I consume as a hybrid athlete and how it works to fuel my performance. Enjoy!

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0:00 Intro

0:36 Welcome

1:58 Run thoughts

11:25 There isn’t a perfect diet

13:28 Information overload

19:17 Healthy relationships with food

26:24 Food to fuel running and lifting

32:07 Establish your goals

40:52 Eating for recovery

45:37 Holding the standard

47:52 Does running make you lose bulk?

50:54 How I prioritize what I consume

54:26 What my diet looks like

1:12:01 Don’t skip the research and learning

1:15:53 Keep a big picture perspective