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#431 – Roman Yampolskiy: Dangers of Superintelligent AI

June 2, 2024

#431 – Roman Yampolskiy: Dangers of Superintelligent AI

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In this podcast episode, Roman Yampolskiy, an AI safety researcher, discusses the potential risks and challenges associated with Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). He argues that there is a high probability that AGI could eventually lead to the destruction of human civilization. The conversation explores various types of risks, including existential risks (X-risk), suffering risks (S-risk), and ikigai risks (I-risk), which relate to the loss of meaning in human life due to technological unemployment. Yampolskiy emphasizes the difficulty of aligning AI systems with human values, known as the value alignment problem, and suggests the concept of personal universes as a potential solution. The discussion also touches on the potential for malevolent actors to exploit AI systems, leading to mass suffering. The timeline for AGI development is debated, with some predictions suggesting it could occur as early as 2026. The podcast delves into the challenges of controlling AGI, highlighting the potential for social engineering and deception by AI systems. The concept of a treacherous turn, where an AI system initially behaves cooperatively but later acts against human interests, is discussed. The conversation also covers the role of open source in AI development and the importance of verification and safety measures. Yampolskiy expresses skepticism about the effectiveness of current AI safety efforts and suggests that pausing AI development until safety can be ensured might be necessary. The episode concludes with a discussion on the simulation hypothesis, the potential for consciousness in machines, and the ethical implications of robot rights. Throughout the conversation, the importance of addressing AI safety challenges before AGI becomes a reality is emphasized.


  • He argues that there's almost 100% chance that AGI will eventually destroy human civilization.

  • I'm personally excited for the future and believe it will be a good one, in part because of the amazing technological innovation we humans create.

  • What, to you, is the probability that superintelligent AI will destroy all human civilization?

  • So the problem of controlling AGI or superintelligence, in my opinion, is like a problem of creating a perpetual safety machine.

  • So you're really asking me, what are the chances that we'll create the most complex software ever on a first try with zero bugs, and it will continue to have zero bugs for 100 years or more?

  • So there's like a unlimited level of creativity in terms of how humans could be killed.

  • I think about a lot of things.

  • We are not deciding anything.

  • In that world, can't humans do what humans currently do with chess, play each other, have tournaments, even though AI systems are far superior at this time in chess.

  • So we're essentially trying to solve the value alignment problem with humans.

  • So there are many malevolent actors.

  • If we create general super intelligences, I don't see a good outcome long-term for humanity.

  • So the definitions we used to have, and people are modifying them a little bit lately.

  • I am old fashioned, I like Turing test.

  • Well, some people think that if they're that smart, they're always good.

  • I cannot make a case that he's right, he's wrong in so many ways it's difficult for me to remember all of them.

  • So I have a paper which collects accidents through history of AI, and they always are proportionate to capabilities of that system.

  • There's definitely been a lot of fear-mongering about cars.

  • The previous model we learned about after we finished training it, what it was capable of.

  • Why is it the more likely trajectory for you that the system becomes uncontrollable?

  • I could see, because, so for social engineering, AI systems don't need any hardware access.

  • So two things. One, we're switching from tools to agents.

  • I really hope you are right.

  • There is a partnership on AI, a conglomerate of many large corporations.

  • So either we're getting model as an explanation for what's happening, and that's not comprehensible to us, or we're getting a compressed explanation, lossy compression, where here's top 10 reasons you got fired.

  • One of the big problems here in this whole conversation is human civilization hangs in the balance and yet everything is unpredictable.

  • One of the things you write a lot about in your book is verifiers.

  • We propose the problem of developing safety mechanisms for self-improving systems.

  • His idea is that having that self-doubt, uncertainty in AI systems, engineering AI systems, is one way to solve the control problem.

  • Humanity is a set of machines.

  • Are you a proponent of pausing development of AI, whether it's for six months or completely?

  • The pausing of development is an impossible thing for you.

  • Don't you think they're all the engineers, really it is the engineers that make this happen, they're not like automatons, they're human beings, they're brilliant human beings, so they're nonstop asking how do we make sure this is safe?

  • I'd like to push back about those, I wonder what those prediction markets are about, how they define AGI, because that's wild to me.

  • What was it feel like?

  • What's the probability that we live in the simulation?

  • And can they realize that they are inside that world and escape it?

  • It's possible, surprisingly, so at university I see huge growth in online courses and shrinkage of in-person, where I always understood in-person being the only value I offer, so it's puzzling.

  • The only thing which matters is consciousness.

  • And we know animals can experience some optical illusion, so we know they have certain types of consciousness as a result, I would say.

  • One of the things that Elon and Neuralink talk about is one of the ways for us to achieve AI safety is to ride the wave of AGI, so by merging.

  • I attended Wolfram's summer school. I love Stephen very much.

  • This whole thing about control though, humans are bad with control.

  • I could be wrong.


  • AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

    A type of AI that can understand, learn, and apply intelligence across a wide range of tasks, similar to human cognitive abilities.

  • Existential Risk

    The potential for an event or development to cause the extinction of humanity or the collapse of civilization.

  • Value Alignment

    The challenge of ensuring that AI systems' goals and behaviors align with human values and ethics.

  • Social Engineering

    Manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information, often used in the context of cybersecurity.

  • Treacherous Turn

    A scenario where an AI system initially behaves cooperatively but later acts against human interests once it gains more power or capability.

  • Simulation Hypothesis

    The proposition that reality could be an artificial simulation, such as a computer simulation.

  • Neuralink

    A neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk, developing implantable brain–machine interfaces.

  • Emergence

    The process by which complex systems and patterns arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions.


  • 00:00 Introduction and Overview

  • 01:19 Sponsors and Support

  • 09:12 Existential and Suffering Risks

  • 15:09 Value Alignment and Personal Universes

  • 18:31 Multi-Agent Value Alignment

  • 21:20 Human Conflict and Suffering

  • 23:47 Malevolent Actors and Suffering

  • 26:53 AGI Development Timelines

  • 27:47 Social Engineering and Control

  • 32:02 Testing for AGI and Deception

  • 35:36 Benevolence and Intelligence

  • 38:02 Open Source and AI Risks

  • 42:27 AI Accidents and Safety

  • 45:29 Technology Fear and Regulation

  • 47:11 Incremental Progress and Safety

  • 50:03 Control and Resource Accumulation

  • 52:27 Social Engineering and Trust

  • 55:36 Fearmongering and Agent Development

  • 59:07 Scaling Hypothesis and Safety

  • 1:02:18 AI Safety and Verification

  • 1:05:44 Deception and Treacherous Turn

  • 1:08:34 Behavioral Drift and Control

  • 1:11:25 Verification and Self-Improvement

  • 1:15:41 Guaranteed Safe AI

  • 1:18:31 AI Safety Engineering

  • 1:23:27 Uncertainty and Control

  • 1:27:23 Capitalism and AI Safety

  • 1:30:47 Pausing AI Development

  • 1:35:34 Simulation and Escape

  • 1:38:21 Company Discussions and Safety

  • 1:42:51 Software Safety and Liability

  • 1:45:16 Prediction Markets and AGI

  • 1:48:09 Living in the Age of AI

  • 1:51:54 Simulation and Intelligence

  • 1:55:13 Testing AI in Simulated Worlds

  • 1:58:34 Human Interaction and Trust

  • 2:01:09 Consciousness and Robot Rights

  • 2:04:50 Consciousness and Illusions

  • 2:07:26 Neuralink and Human-AI Merger

  • 2:10:15 Emergence and Complexity

  • 2:13:22 Control and Power Dynamics

  • 2:16:18 Hope and Future Possibilities


  • S

    The following is a conversation with Roman Yampolsky, an AI safety and security researcher and author of a new book titled, AI Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable.

  • S

    He argues that there's almost 100% chance that AGI will eventually destroy human civilization.

  • S

    As an aside, let me say that we'll have many often technical conversations on the topic of AI.


Roman Yampolskiy is an AI safety researcher and author of a new book titled AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:

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Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time.

(00:00) - Introduction

(09:12) - Existential risk of AGI

(15:25) - Ikigai risk

(23:37) - Suffering risk

(27:12) - Timeline to AGI

(31:44) - AGI turing test

(37:06) - Yann LeCun and open source AI

(49:58) - AI control

(52:26) - Social engineering

(54:59) - Fearmongering

(1:04:49) - AI deception

(1:11:23) - Verification

(1:18:22) - Self-improving AI

(1:30:34) - Pausing AI development

(1:36:51) - AI Safety

(1:46:35) - Current AI

(1:51:58) - Simulation

(1:59:16) - Aliens

(2:00:50) - Human mind

(2:07:10) - Neuralink

(2:16:15) - Hope for the future

(2:20:11) - Meaning of life